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Wednesday, February 16, 2011



Free Biology Cbse Pmt Online Practice Test
1. Cockroach and other insects have blood which
(a) Resembles human blood in colour
(b) Has RBCs
(c) Circulates through arteries and veins
(d) Circulates through an open system
Ans. (d)
2. Albinos have been reported in
(a) White race
(b) Black race
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
Ans. (c)
3. Cranial capacity of Australopithecus was
(a) 350—450 cm3
(b) 650—700 cm3
(c) 1050—1150 cm3
(d) 1400—1450 cm3
Ans. (a)
4. Which law of evolution states that “warm-blooded” mammals of hot and humid areas have abundant melanin pigment?
(a) Dollo’s law
(b) Gloger’s law
(c) Cope’s law
(d) Gause’s law
Ans. (b)
5. Reason of death of a patient of cobra-bite is
(a) Destruction of RBC5
(b) Inactivation of nerves
(c) Permanent contraction of muscles
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b)
6. The most important comp5nent of contraceptive pills is
(a) Progesterone
(b) Growth hormone
(c) Thyroxine
(d) Luteinizing hormone
Ans. (a)
7. Yolk plug forms during
(a) morula-formation
(b) blastula-formation
(c) Gastrula
(d) Neurulation
Ans. (c)
8. In which of the following only cone cells are found?
(a) Fovea centralis
(b) Retina
(c) Fossa ovalis
(d) Blind spots
Ans. (a)
9. Hepatic portal system collects blood from
(a) Liver
(b) Lungs
(c) Kidney
(d) Alimentary canal
Ans. (d)
10. The first digit of the forearm is termed
(a) Pollex
(b) Hallux
(c) Pollux
(d) None of these
Ans. (a)
11. Bidder’s canal is meant for passage of
(a) Ova
(b) Urine
(c) Sperms
(d) All of these
Ans. (c)
12. Striped muscle fibre has
(a) One nucleus
(b) Two nucleus
(c) Many nuclei
(d) No nuclei
Ans. (c)
13. Billroth’s cords are characteristic of
(a) spinal cord
(b) Notochord
(c) Nerve cord
(d) Spleen
Ans. (d)
14. Nuhn’s glands re present in
(a) Intestine
(b) Tongue
(c) Skin
(d) Stomach
Ans. (b)
15. Amylopsin acts upon
(a) Polysaccharide in any medium
(b) Polysaccharide in acidic medium
(c) Polysaccharide in alkaline medium
(d) Polypeptides
Ans. (c)
16. Hypoxia is the condition in which less oxygen becomes available to the tissues. This may be due to
(a) Lesser oxygen in the atmosphere
(b) More CO in air
(c) Less RBCs in blood
(d) all of the above
Ans. (d)
17. Carotid labyrinth contains
(a) Olfactoreceptors
(b) Baroreceptors
(c) Chemoreceptors
(d) Phonoreceptors
Ans. (b)
18. Juxtaglomerular cells of renal cortex synthesizes a hormone called
(a) ADH
(b) Oxytoxin
(c) Renin
(d) Urochrome
Ans. (c)
19. Corpora striata occur in
(a) cerebrum
(b) Cerebellum
(c) Medulla
(d) Diencephalons
Ans. (a)
20. A point mutation comprising the substitution of purine by pyramidine is called
(a) Deletion
(b) Transition
(c) Transversion
(d) Translocation
Ans. (c)
21. Exoskeleton/scales are absent in
(a) Fishes
(b) Retiles
(c) Ichthyophis
(d) Rana tigrina
Ans. (d)
22. Gill cover is absent in
(a) Shark
(c) Salmon
(b) Labeo
(d) All of these
Ans. (a)
23. The cyst wall of Euglena is made up of
(a) Lipids
(b) Histones
(c) Carbohydrates
(d) Lipoproteins
Ans. (c)
24. The class of coelenterate which exhibits polymorphism?
(a) Hydrozoa
(b) Scyphozoa
(c) Anthozoa
(d) All of these
Ans. (a)
25. Which pairing is not correct?
(a) Stegomyia — Yellow fever
(b) Pediculus —Trench fever
(c) Culex — Malaria
(d) Xenopsylla —Bubonic plague
Ans. (c)
Direction In the following questions more than one of the answers given may be correct. Select the correct answers and mark it according to the code.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1 and 2 are correct
(c) 2 and 4 are correct
(d) 1 and 3 are correct
26. On the basis of nature of maternal and foetal tissue, types of placenta are
(1) Haemochorial placenta
(2) Haemoendothelial placenta
(3) Cotyledonary placenta
(4) Deciduate placenta
Ans. (2)
27. Antigenic determinant sites bind to which portions of an antibody molecule?
(1) Light chain
(2) Heavy chain
(3) Intermediate chains
(4) Plasma cells
Ans. (2)
28. Types of quill (flight) feathers are
(1) Down feathers
(2) Covert
(3) Filoplume
(4) Remiges
Ans. (3)
29. Which of the following factors rise the P50 value and shifts the Hb02 dissociaon curve to right and vice versa?
(1) Rise in PCO2
(2) Rise in H+ ions (= fall in pH)
(3) Fall in temperature
(4) Fall in diphosphoglyceric acid
Ans. (2)
30. Which of the following are fat soluble vitamins?
(1) Retinol
(2) Calciferol
(3) Tocopherol
(4) Riboflavin
Ans. (1)
31. Uric acid is an excretory product of
(1) Insects
(2) Birds
(3) Terrestrial reptiles
(4) Mammals
Ans. (1)
32. Spongy or cancellous bones are
(1) Skull bones
(2) Vertebrae
(3) Femur
(4) Ribs
Ans. (2)
33. Cowper’s gland secrete a substance to
(1) Nourish sperms
(2) Neutralize acidity
(3) Kill pathogens
(4) lubricate female’s vagina to facilitate copulation
Ans. (3)
34. The valve situated between the left atrium and left ventricle is called
(1) Bicuspid valve
(2) Tricuspid valve
(3) Mitral valve
(4) Eustachian valve
Ans. (4)
35. Bipolar neurons occur in
(1) Retina of eyes
(2) Olfactory epithelium
(3) Inner ear
(4) Brain
Ans. (1)
36. Cardiac muscles are
(1) Striated
(2) Voluntary
(3) Involuntary
(4) Nonstriated
Ans. (4)
37. Anterior lobe of pituitary gland secretes
(1) ACTH, TSH and oxytocin
(2) STH, GH and TSH
(3) TSH ADH and Prolactin
(4) FSH, GH and LH
Ans. (3)
38. Which ‘of the following is true about preen gland?
(1) Occur in birds
(2) Also known as uropygial gland
(3) Occur in bats
(4) Help in digestion
Ans. (2)
39. Cartilaginous fishes have
(1) Placoid. Scales
(2) Cycloid or ctenoid scales
(3) Scroll valve
(4) Operculum
Ans. (4)
40. Which of the following belongs to phylum Arthropoda?
(1) Cockroach
(2) Goldfish
(3) Silverfish
(4) Cuttlefish
Ans. (4)
41. Structures present in a mature proglottid are
(1) A pair of longitudinal nerve cord (lateral nerve cord)
(2) Mehli’s gland
(3) Cirrus sac
(4) One ovary and two oviducts
Ans. (1)
42. Proteolytic enzymes present in the pancreatic juice are
(1) Pepsin
(2) Elastase
(3) Salivary amylase
(4) Chymotrypsin
Ans. (3)
43. RBC and adipose tissue cells respire anaerobically because they
(1) Possess very few mitochondria
(2) require much less energy
(3) Possess very few mitochondria and a large amount of energy
(4) Possess .carbonic anhydrous
Ans. (2)
44. The coats of eyeball are
(1) Sciera
(2) Retina
(3) Conjunctiva
(4) Otolith membrane
Ans. (2)
45. Which of the following structure is absent in forelimb of frog?
(1) Brachium
(2) Web
(3) Antebrachium
(4) Tarsal
Ans. (3)
46. P-wave of ECG indicates
(1) Depolarization of atrial muscles
(2) Activation of SA-node
(3) Spread of excitation from SA node to AV node
(4) Repolarization of atria and depolarization of ventricles
Ans. (2)
47. Which of the following cranial nerves are mixed 1’
(1) Vagus
(2) Trigeminal
(3) Glossopharyngeal
(4) Auditory
Ans. (1)
48. Which of the following is correct grouping?
(1) Ectoderm—retina, epidermis, nervous system
(2) Mesoderm—ovary, urinary bladder, Kidney
(3) Mesoderm—kidney, connective tissue, testis
(4) Endoderm—thyroid, pineal gland, thymus
Ans. (4)
49. Heterochromatin
(1) Contains a highly repetitice sequence of DNA
(2) Is the inert segment of the chromosome adjacent to the centromere?
(3) Is tightly coiled during the interphase
(4) Lightly stained regions
Ans. (1)
50. Which of the following are haploid in nature?
(1) Spermatids
(2) Secondary spermatocytes
(3) Spermatogonia
(4) Primary spermatocytes
Ans. (2)

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