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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Free Online objective Test on Evolution

Free Online objective Test on Evolution
Evolution Biology For Exams Practice
1. Earth originated in the past
(a) 4.6 billion years
(b) 1.6 billion years
(c) 7.6 billion years
(d) 86 billion years
Ans. (a)

2. The scientist related with the theory of spontaneous generation and experiments with swan-necked flasks is
(a) Van Helmont
(b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Miller
(d) Haeckel
Ans. (b)

3. Who said that organism develop from pre-existing organism?
(a) Aristotle
(b) Louis Pasteur
(c) Morgan
(d) Oparin
Ans. (b)
4. Which of the following gases was not present in free form at the time life originated on the earth?
(a) Methane
(b) Hydrogen
(c) Ammonia
(d) Oxygen
Ans. (d)
5. The simple organic compounds that may have first evolved in the direction of origin of life on Earth may have been
(a) protein and amino acid
(b) protein and nucleic acid
(c) urea and nucleic acid
(d) urea and amino acid
Ans. (b)
6. STANLEY MILLER conducted an experiment to demonstrate that simple organic molecules like acids could be produced if an electric discharge is passed through a mixture of such gases as might have been present in the atmosphere of early earth. The gaseous mixture he used in the experiment comprised
(a) methane, ammonia, hydrogen, water vapours
(b) methane, nitrogen, hydrogen, water vapours
(c) ammonia, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapours
(d) methane, ammonia, nitrogen, water vapours
Ans. (a)

7. The first genetic material was most likely
(a) a DNA polymer
(b) a DNA oligonucleotide
(c) a protein
(d) an RNA polymer
Ans. (d)

8. Study of fossils is known as
(a) Palaeobotany
(b) Palaeontology
(c) Anatomy
(d) Ornithology
Ans. (b)

9. Fossils are now dated by
(a) stratigraphic period
(b) studying their association with other mammals
(c) amount of calcium present as residue
(d) radioactive carbon content
Ans. (d)

10. Dinosaurs were abundant in
(a) Jurassic
(b) Devonian
(c) Pennian
(d) Pleistocene
Ans. (a)

11. Paleontological evidence in favour of organic evolution is beautifully illustrated by
(a) Duck billed Platypus
(b) Archaeopteryx
(c) Darwin’s finches
(d) Peppered moth
Ans. (b)

12. Which one of the following animals exhibits connecting link evolution?
(a) Limulus
(b) Sphenodon
(c) Peripatus
(d) Pheretima
Ans. (c)

13. Homologous structures have
(a) dissimilar origin and dissimilar functions
(b) dissimilar origin but similar functions
(c) similar origin but similar or dissimilar functions
(d) dissimilar origin and dissimilar structure
Ans. (c)

14. Analogous organs have a
(a) common embryonic origin but perform different functions
(b) different embryonic origin and perform different functions
(c) common embryonic origin and perform similar functions
(d) different embryonic origin but perform similar functions
Ans. (d)

15. Which of the following is an example of analogy?
(a) Limb of horse and man
(b) Wings of pigeon of bat
(c) Wings of bird and butterfly
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

16. Which of the following is a vestigial organ in the human body?
(a) Eyelid
(b) Eyelash
(c) Caecum
(d) Appendix
Ans. (d)

17. The essence of Haeckel’s Recapitulation theory is:
(a) inheritance of acquired characters
(b) alternation of generations
(c) ontogeny repeats phylogeny
(d) prodigality of reproduction
Ans. (c)

18. Biogenetic law was propounded by
(a) Von Baer and Haeckel
(b) Von Bier and Aristotle
(c) Haeckel and Mendel
(d) Mendel and Griffith
Ans. (a)

19. Which animal has become extinct recently?
(a) Draco
(b) Dinosaur
(c) Pteridosperms
(d) Mammoth
Ans. (d)

20. Lamarck belonged to
(a) England
(b) France
(c) Sweden
(d) Austria
Ans. (b)

21. Theory of inheritance of acquired characters was put forth by
(a) De Vries
(b) Lamarck
(c) Weismann
(d) Galton
Ans. (b)

22. Gennplasm theory was given by
(a) Lamarck
(b) Weismann
(c) Darwin
(d) De Vries
Ans. (b)

23. The biggest opponent of Lamarck was
(a) G. Cuvier
(b) A. Weismann
(c) I. Pavlov
(d) Kamrer
Ans. (b)

24. Basic idea of organic evolution is
(a) cosmic evolution
(b) descent with modification
(c) special creation
(d) spontaneous generation
Ans. (b)

25. All of the following influenced Dw1N as he synthesised the concept of natural selection except
(a) the finches of the Galapagos
(b) Malthus’s essay on the principle of population
(c) the results of artificial selection
(d) Mendel’s laws of inheritance
Ans. (d)

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